About Us


The school was founded in 1974 as a Pre-primary school by the Catholic Church of Archdiocese Gulu under Christ the King Parish, Kitgum and later was upgraded to Primary education in 1990 following the call by the community of Kitgum district.
The school was named in the memory of Brother GIULIO ANDRIOTI, who was the principal patron of Christ the king seminary and his best friend, GIULIO ANDRIOTI, the then Prime Minister of Italy and the two were the main sponsors of the pre-primary school.
The school legally registered with the Ministry of Education and sports in 2000 with registration number PPS/G/26 and EMIS 2A004340. It is a faith based Catholic school managed under the guidelines of the Education Act 2008 of the Republic of Uganda, Uganda Episcopal Conference Education Policy 1997 and Education policy of Archdiocese of Gulu

The school will work towards achieving 4 major outcomes which is hoped to contribute to the mission hence realizing the school vision.

iImproved learning environment
Increased academic standards
Increased participation of stakeholders
Enhanced capacity of teachers and school structures
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School Motto

In Christo educamus

"In Christ we educate"

Our Mission and vision


To provide quality, holistic and inclusive education to children through competent staff and effective leadership while observing the catholic ethos.


A leading catholic-based Pre-primary and primary school responsive in provision of quality, holistic and inclusive education in Northern Uganda.

Our Core Values


The Bible says that “God is Love” (1 John 4:8). When we love, we will serve humanity of the schools and raise children with love.


Honesty implies being truthful. Honesty means to develop a practice of speaking truth throughout life. Every one of us must have heard the phrase “Honesty is the Best Policy”.


It is the confidence that one has in you that you will take responsibility and accomplish tasks without worry. One has to trust and also to be trusted.


A duty or having control over something and accomplish it diligently. Leaders are trusted with responsibilities to achieve objective of the organization.

What We Do

Thanks To Get Started With Our School

Co-curricular Activities

Our vibrant co-curricular activities program offers pupils opportunities to explore their talents, develop leadership skills, and build lasting friendships through sports, music, debate, scouting etc.

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Daily Academic program

Our comprehensive daily academic program is designed to challenge and engage pupils, promoting critical thinking, creativity, and a love for learning in a supportive environment.

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Spiritual build up

We foster spiritual growth through morning prayers, weekly school Mass, active liturgical involvement, and catechism classes, helping students to deepen their faith and moral values.

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We provide balanced, nutritious meals to all pupils, ensuring they have the energy and focus needed to excel in their studies and enjoy their school day. Nutritious meals provided daily, ensuring our pupils are healthy and ready to learn.

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